Wednesday, July 27, 2011

DIY: Wedding Centerpieces

When picking out centerpieces for my summer wedding I decided on the “Do it yourself” approach.  I like simply crafted centerpieces that are very low maintenance, yet elegant.   I spent a lot of time browsing through online images for inspiration.  I selected two different centerpiece styles for a little variance. 

Items Needed:
12” clear cylindrical (5x12) vases from
9.5” clear floating candle bowls from
3” floating candles (1 per vase)
1” floating candles (4-5 per bowl)
Artificial flower petals of desired color

Image Credit: 

Image Credit: 
Fill each vase and bowl with water.  Carefully add the desired amount of flower petals (more is better but don't over stuff).  The flower petals will remain floating throughout the vase, however it's important that the petals be dumped slowly into the vase allowing them to fall naturally.  Do not place your hand into the vase as this will cause the petals to clump and fall to the bottom half of the vase.  When finished with the petals place the candles into the water and voila!.

Each centerpiece takes less than 5 minutes to create. We did a couple of test runs at home so we could divide out the candles and petals per bowl/vase with the desired water amount.  This made our caterer's life easier and left me without a worry so I could focus on walking down the aisle!
Happy planning and best wishes to the brides to be!

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